Monday, March 31, 2008

Roads dug up

Late last week i.e Friday, the stretch from MIT school, where Paud road bifercates till the end of Anand nagar was re laid.
Machines & people worked day & night for two consecutive days, to get the road back in shape.
For people like me who resid in the area it was a big relief. Added to it was the fact that a signal was being put up near Bombay stationaries.
However, as usual the joy was short lived.
In a perfect display of lack of co - ordination between various departments of PMC, the road was dug up, the very next day.
Something which was pre planned.
The road is still in a bad state, opposite bombay stationary & work is going on to lay pipes.
There is no certainty that the road would be done up & even if it is , it would be just patch work...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

we often blame two wheelers for flouting traffic rules but conviniently forgot pedestrians.... jus wanted to bring to notice that most of the times when a person on foot is knocked down, 9/10 times we blame the motorist.... why??!!! why dont we blame the pedestrain... jus putting across a situation wher u wil notice how sometimes for no fault of theirs motorist's are targeted... in the above pic if a two wheeler knocks down any1 of them, i would blame the ppl walkin not the motorist.... why??!!! cause behind them if u can notice the white lines (in short called pedestrian crossing), that is where these people should be walking and crossin the road from, not from the MIDDLE of the ROAD!!!! so these things need to be considered as wel... small things, but equally IMPORTANT!!! so hopefully next time when u guys are crossing the road n happen to notice such white lines USE THEM, cause then if ur knocked down it definitely is the fault of the Motorist!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

hello every one....
well i'm sure all of us are fed up of the traffic voes we have to face daily... frankly speakin we are kinda helpless too in certain situations, and sometimes we feel tht 'only if we could have got to Change this scenario' .... i say , why only feel, but... YES OF COURSE we can bring about a Change in the Scenario.... all we have to do is follow certain SIMPLE BASIC things (i want say rules, cause suddenly the mentality changes, when the word RULE is flashed in front of us) any way's... so what BASIC things am i talking about, well i'm jus gonna be noting them down... you can go through them (these are not taken from any rule book directly, so there may be a chance of mistakes, i do apologize for them)
i'l start of wit the one's for Drivers or Riders.. here we go...
1. Red Signal- STOP
2. Yellow Signal- SLOW DOWN (pls dnt speed up n try to get to the
other side of the road)
3. Green Signal- u can NOW Go!
4. Yellow Flickering Arrow Signal- U hv a free left turn. PLEASE NOTE,
if u dnt c this yellow signal, u DONT hv a FREE left turn, u HAVE TO
WAIT for the signal to turn green to go Left!
5. Please STOP before the White Lines tht u see drawn before Most
signals. in front of these lines there r Horizontal white lines drawn
which Indicate Pedestrian Crossin... it's the PLACE wher Pedestrians r
suppose to cross the road, so please stop ur vehicles BEFORE the
lines, n not ON those lines.
6.The continuous white lines that r drawn in the middle of the Road,
actually is suppose to be an Imaginary Divider, so obviously u r NOT
SUPPOSED to over take on such roads (atleast not by goin on the other
side of the white line, u may by stayin on ur side of the line... u
wil see such lines mostly on Bridges, eg of such Bridge is S.M.Joshi
bridge near Garware College... ) same way u'l see dotted white lines (or
broken white lines) on the road, which also is suppose to be an
imaginary divider, but u CAN over take....
7. The "pass" light tht we all use... well ther's a rule to tht
also... One Long Pass means U telling the guy in front of u to Stop so
that u can go, but if u give the "pass" light more thn once, means u
tellin the person in front of U to Go n u wil WAIT. so next time b
8.When u want to Turn (right/left) you r Expected to Give ur Indicator
atleast 50 mtrs b4 u turn, n not when you r just about to turn... so u
should be in ur lane accordingly... i.e if u want to turn left, u shld
b on the left of the road "at least" 50 mtrs b4 givin proper indicator.
9. We follow Right Hand Side Traffic rule, which means that you have
to Give Way to the Person on your RIGHT... to b more clear, if
approachin say a "round about" (the cirlce that is ther in the middle
of the road) u have to wait n let the traffic on ur right hand side go
1st n then u go....
10. When u comin frm a lane n joinin the main road, please look RIGHT
1st n then LEFT, nt the other way round.... also please STOP n then
come out of the lane n not come out of the Lane n STOP on the road as
tht causes a lot of accidents...
11. Horn only when absolutely required, n PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR HORN
when u see the signal turn Green n person in front of u is stil to
move... he's gonna move, he's not waitin there to start a PARTY, jus b
12. When turning Left, please make sure u Turn "sharp" as in by stayin to the LEFT of the road. For a Right turn u take a "broad" turn, as in u turn from the Center of the road, and as u turn u join on the Left lane of the Road, and don't Cut back in onto the Right lane.

Now somethin for the Pedestrians....
1. Use the Footpath wherever available and access able.
2. Walk ALWAYS on the right side(this is because u can always see what is coming towards u and thus prepare yourself accordingly) of the ROAD if there is no footpath.
3. Be vigilant of traffic while walking along the side of the road.
4. ALWAYS Use Zebra-crossing to cross a road wherever available.
5. Before crossing a road FIRST look to your right and then to the left, not the other way round please!!!!!
6. While crossing a road if a vehicle suddenly comes at you, just stand still, don't move back and forth as all your doin is confusing the person in front of u!

i hope we all take a note of these things and also IMPLEMENT them the next time we are out on/in our vehicles....
Happy and Safe Driving or Riding!! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Good Man

Nariyal Pani Wala Standing before the line for the Green Signal!!

Flirting with traffic... the 1st experiment

A gang of 10 friends, in their early 20's meeting at a eating joint, the traditional cuppa of tea replaced by lemon water Few of them working, few of them studying, nothin in common but one, desire,desire to do something,hunger to change the worldburning desire to have an idea on which they can work, carry on & do good to the society. Generations &generations of people have felt this desire in their early 20s, hardly anybody could transform it into reality, with this at the back of the mind & the challenges in front, the discussion starts,tempers go high, cribbing comes in, efforts are measured, time slots are decided,everybody knows, an idea, can change our lives, but where is that idea... and there is comes... to do something good for the traffic in pune... the best case is discussed, a trouble free traffic, disciplined & smooth, in pune & so is the worst case, nooo, its not thefailure , our determination is just too much to even think of it, the worst case being spreading awareness. Now with the idea in place, discussion shifts, people are more eager to contribute & jotting down of points starts,Many other groups are discussed, how they work, why they failed, what went wrong & a SWOT, strengths , weakness, opportunity , threats for our own group done Its time to get on to the field... Sunday 23rd March, morning 10am, a small group of 3 assemble at good luck chowk, one of the oldest & most famous places in pune.Objective : None ...None because we had no idea what to expect & its always better to be there with a blank, empty mind ! Two good photographers, Parag & Sameer, & myself, Ameya, started off with observing the traffic in Good luck chowk, next to Home Decor near Sagar Arcade on FC road.Something which was already known got confirmed,hardly anybody stops before the stop line. The reason of selecting good luck chowk was that, recently it has been spruced up & all the roads leading to it, have zebra crossing as well as stop lines, so it is easier to see if people follow rules out here. About 4-5 vehicles stopped ahead of stop line on each cycle of signal.We always feel that we are so called educated class of the city & what not, but we were utterly shocked when we saw a nariyal pani wala stopping before the stop line with his cart & 2 wheelers crossing the line. Being youngsters we have always heard people shouting & yelling that 20 somethings dont know how to drive, but then again what we observed was totally opposite, it was the 40 sumthings who were more than eager to go past the signal, leave aside the stop line . . . ! A whole team of police led by API Garde was stationed at the chowk & spotting us take photos, 1 warden & 1 police was sent to this side to enforce the rules.They were doing a really good job but the commuters just refuse to listen to them. Seeing that the police are doing their job well, we shifted our location, we crossed the road & went opposite to Good luck, from where vehicles turn to JM road,most of the times under impression that there is a FREE RIGHT.Here we had an objective in mind, to take snaps of PMT busses which break signals.. and we were successful in that. The stop line & the signal post on this side have a big gap in them & it tempts people to come forward.Seeing us there, few more police were summoned & posted out there who were trying their best to enforce the law. A scooter wala driving without a number plate was caught. & then a bajaj good auto for carrying excess load.It was a great sight, to see law being enforced in such a strict manner. After many many instances of people being forced to stop, leave aside stopping before the stop line, we decided to wind up, but not before talking to the police force deputed there. And so we met up API GARDE, who was leading the team out there at good luck chowk.Our first Q was why do we require police to enforce?The signals are working, the rules are known, why shouldnt the commuters themselves follow it ?He said, it was his wish to see this happen but has no hopes that something like this would happen in his lifetime.Another constable, Varpe, who has served the police force for 33yrs, joined in & shared his experiences.API Garde, has a wish that there should be a system, wherein your snap is clicked for breaking the signal, followed by that being linked to central system which sends you the snap & deducts the fine from your bank a/c. All said & done, a sense of doing some thing or rather starting something was sufficient to make this sunday a memorable one.Offcourse, well begone is half done but there are many generations who have left it at that half done level & its challenging to complete any task.The determination & the enthusiasm shall take us ahead... & more than anything else, the burning desire to do something, something good which ultimately benefits all. ..Ameya

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

E-mail to pttf (Pune Traffic & Transportation Forum)

Dear Sir,
I am Parag Deshpande, residing in Dhanukar Colony, Kothrud. I have been thinking of public transportation and violation of laws on the road since many days. I have seen many people violating the rules on signals, honking the horns even when the signal is red. In the last month I have observed largely, people spitting on the road has increased tremendously. So me and some of my friends came up with an idea of Capturing people violating laws on the road, throwing garbage anywhere (not in the dustbin, from the bridge into the river), people spitting on the road and publishing them in newspapers, websites etc. in some media. We also came up with the idea of publishing photos of people who are not violating the rules, so that the bad one's can really learn something from these good people. I guess after seeing one's photo in the paper or website people will get ashamed and may become a better citizen for the society.Can you help us in publishing these photos in some public media? Or can i get some contacts where in i can speak with them?Thank You in advance and hoping for your co-operation

Parag Deshpande
97666 90900