Saturday, April 5, 2008

Role Parents Play

Jus the other day i read an article in the paper wher in a young boy age 16 with 2 of his friends had gone for a "drive" in a honda city and sadly he met with an accident and passed away.... Who is to be BLAMED???!!!! the boy?? For me it's the PARENTS...
how on earth was the boy allowed to even SIT in the drivers seat.... he ws 16, jus got eligible for getting a 2 wheeler licence and here he is speedin away in a car!!!!
how can Parents be so careless....

Parents and the ROLE they play (nothing personal against parents here btw!! :-))... For me, they are the ones who should be held responsible (especially for all the accidents that are taking place in the age group of 16-20)
why i say this....
i'l give an eg.(may have happened in real also)
a young boy is goin wit his father or mother in/on a car/scooter and the father/mother jump the signal... the boy asks why did you jump the signal, and prompt comes the reply, it's k nothing happens...
Excuse Me??!!!! nothing happens??!!! what kind of a reply is that... or what an "ideal" example is the parent setting in front of his child??!! the same kid when he grows up he's gonna say that if my parents break the signal why cant i, i mean if they dont find it wrong, why should i or rather HOW CAN IT BE WRONG??!!!

another eg i could give is of young kids travellin on their cycles... these kids come ridin down the wrong side , break rules thinkin it's allowed as they r on cycle etc... n once they grow up and "motor" is added to "cycle" they do the same thing.... so it's all hand in hand....
this however if is brought to the childs notice by his parents i'm sure he will respect Traffic Rules... but for that the Parents must 1st make sure they themselves are Disciplined and respect the rules laid down, cause then only can they expect their children to do the same....

Also i feel that the main target now of all organisations, groups etc should be the "youngistan"!!! cause these are the ones who are gonna be joinin the bandwagon with their bikes and cars.... so if they ready to follow and respect the laws laid down, life's gonna be a lot easier... of course we must Spread Awareness among the existing people also, and try our best to persuade them to Obey rules, but "youngistan" has to be the "LAKSHYA" for me...!!

1 comment:

Kanak Lagu said...

you have raised a very valid point...parents do play a very important role.....infact i've seen a lot of my teachers violating the signal! the very people who discipline us are breaking so many norms!....

focussing our attention on the younger brigade would definitely work...even in schools when we were told not to burst crackers during diwali....i have seen many instances in our colony where kids definitely refuse to let their parents buy phatake....

young kids get influenced easily either by bad habits or the good we should reach out to them as extensively as possible....